SKAY.JAVA offers our customers to make the international money transfers by using their own banking systems. Enables financial institutions to exchange individual structured MT(ISO 15022) and MX(ISO20022) financial messages securely and reliably.
The user habits are taken into consideration prudently and therefore the usability is enhanced properly. SKAY.JAVA provides compact, helpful and fast entry menus for its users.
• No Licence Restrictions
• Ability on Reporting Utilities Message validation to ensure messages are formatted according to SWIFT message standards
• Syntactic, Text Validation and SWIFT-NET Rules Controls
• OFAC Blacklist AML Controls on Message Entry
• Banking Application Integration compact, helpful and fast entry menus
SKAY.JAVA is apparently very similar to SWIFT Alliance Systems. The user habits are taken into consideration prudently and therefore the usability is enhanced properly. SKAY.JAVA provides compact, helpful and fast entry menus for its users.
Swift Message Format Generator
• Creates the messages dynamically with considering all the alternative field options.
• Is user friendly and communicative.
• Enables the user to complete any message with minimum keyboard usage
• Makes all Date, Time, Bic Codes, Code Words, Codes, Qualifiers visible to the user on the screen.
Swift Code Words, Codes, Qualifiers Check Engine
• Stores the available Code Words, Codes, Quali-fiers in SWIFT system and applies the essential checks in or-der to avoid "NAK" conditions.
Swift Text Validation Engine
• Stores all current character sets for text validation, supports language-dependent syntax, for example in the case of Turkish characters.
• Treats special characters like ":" "-" for every field differently.
Swift Syntax & Semantics Check Engine
• Like SAE and SAA, initiates syntactic checks to avoid the "ALNK" conditions.
Swift Message Language Support Engine
• Provides support for 3 languages. The message labels, fields and rules are set with respect to the user preferences. The currently supported languages include Turkish, English, Russian.
Routing Mechanism
• Administers the routing of the incoming messages to the branches. Is available with both automatic ad manual management options. Forwards the rejected; possibly invalid messages to the Backoffice Department with the explanations for refusal.