FX Matching designed to match incoming and outgoing confirmation messages: MT300, MT305, MT320 and MT600.
• FX Matching product try to find matched messages based on values on specified fields. Some of those field matches are default and cannot be changed by users. Other fields can be selected by financial institution based on their usage of the specific message. Selected fields can be marked as required or optional.
• Message considered as MATCHED when all required & optional fields successfully matched. If the required fields match but not the all the optional, then these messages considered MISMATCH.
• AMEND and CANCEL messages are also processed as their status indicates; amend the deal or cancel it.
• MISMATCH and UNMATCH messages can be manually matched by users.
• Users can use these filter to find only the most relevant messages.
• To simplify this process & show users most relevant messages, FX-Matching provide Currency, Amount, Value Date, Trade Date & Reference based filters.
• All activity is kept for audit purposes, including operation, user & timestamp data.
• After successful matching (auto and manual) and cancel occurs, system can be configured to do a pre-configured task (Call a web service, send an email message etc.). This feature is an add-on to the FX-Matching system and configured/developed as per customer request.