The Global Reference Data Utility Integrator

SKAY Reference Data Portal

A single, standardised source of quality reference data and financial information.

4 delivery channel for SwiftRef data : swiftref-delivery-channels

As a Data download automation (web service) SKAY Reference Data Portal; Providing an automated look-up service for SWIFTRef data, our SWIFTRef API gives easy access to financial reference data – leading to lower implementation costs, efficiency improvements and greater customer satisfaction.


SWIFTRef is a global reference data utility provided by SWIFT, offering a single source for collecting, managing and delivering high-quality payments reference data, helping firms to produce accurate and timely payments, associated regulatory reports and reduce processing costs. SWIFTRef identifies and validates BICs, IBANs, national bank codes, standing settlement instructions, SEPA routing information or other reference data in order to effectively manage and report payments for individual firms. How a firm manages and reports payments reference data is becoming more important in the face of increasing regulation.

                                  SWIFTRef is SWIFT’s unique reference data and financial information utility. Sourced from authorised data owners, SWIFTRef includes the most accurate reference data covering BIC, LEI, IBAN validation, national bank codes, standing settlement instructions, credit ratings and financial information.

With SWIFTRef, financial institutions, corporates, data and service providers can now rely on a single source of data for flawless and trouble-free payments processing, accurate regulatory reporting, counterparty risk analysis and due diligence.

SWIFTRef provides and maintains all of the information you need to make seamless payments and delivers a complete picture of your current and potential business partners. It brings clarity to your decision-making and efficiency to your business processes.

A piece of SwiftRef data set Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) that form part of the global LEI system mandated by the G20. //Explanation;A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), is a code that is unique to a legal entity such as a Limited Company, Fund or trust or any organisation.The LEI is an ISO standard, which is now a legal requirement for many companies within the global financial system.

SKAY Reference Data Portal, includes the BIC Import tool which enables to import a BIC text file from SWIFT's directory into an internal database.

                                  SwiftRef is delivering 194 data files every day to about 1,000 subscribers worldwide.

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